Fan Cels

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Nokoru, Suoh and Akira
Source: TV
Layers: 1
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Added 1/27/2003
*swoon* Requiem did an amazing job on this - the detail in the flowers is amazing. This was a monstrous bitch to scan, it's a square piece of acetate measuring 14 x 14 - and took 4 passes of the scanner to get it all covered - hence some color variations in the scan. I might (stress on might) attempt to rescan it at some point, we'll see. Akira and Nokoru are captured beautifully, Suoh is just a tad too dark in skin and eye color, but I'm not complaining. :) The delicate detail on the background is stunning also - it's a blue wash for the base, with an intricate border of a mixture of all 3 flowers and vines.

Artist: Requiem, who painted this based off a scan from one of my artbooks. Visit her gallery here:

Next: Yaoi Warning - easily offended, don't look. ;)    

Curator: saiyanwolf
Gallery Created: 1/4/2002
Hits: 63005
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